先 天 大 道 簡 介
中 英 對 照
先 天 大 道 簡 介
(一) 離苦得樂:
自有人類文明以來,道的真義便代代單傳獨授,其脈絡貫穿了早期的主要文明,如中國、印度等。奈何近百年來人類受物慾所蔽,在空前繁榮的物質文明中逐漸迷昧了良心,甚至競相製造威力奇大的殺人武器。回顧數千年人類歷史,在近代短短數十年間,便發生了兩次世界大戰,無數小戰,傷亡無數。濫用科技文明同時也損害了自然環境,造成大氣臭氧層之破壞,全球性氣候的改變。人心之變,感召了天災人禍連連,人類已為自己醞釀了一個空前的浩劫。因此 上帝鴻恩慈悲,特將大道普傳於世,以挽救良善。求道以後,我們時刻存著道心,以良心待人處世,當遇有人力不可挽救的災禍時,只要誠心使用三寶,必能躱災避劫,逢凶化吉。此事驗證甚多,不勝枚舉。
一、 得道以後,願意銘記並實踐道的精神,也就是日常生活所思所言所行,皆願以良心作為依歸。
二、 得道以後,願以能力所及,助周圍需要我們幫助的人,願意多了解道的意義,並讓更多的人蒙受天道的福祉。
三、 得道以後,絕不將求得的三寶告知任何人。三寶必須在莊嚴的求道過程中,天命明師傳授給我們才有真實意義,若由我們洩露給其他人,則不但毫無意義、毫無效果,我們自己也違反了天律。
求道後會使我們生活更充實,心靈更和諧。而更重要的是,我們每一個人盡一己之力,藉自身之提昇,影響周遭之人、事、物,繼而匯成一股力量,在這舉世天理良心日趨淪喪之潮流中,匡正人心,力挽狂瀾。如此必能早日實現先天大道普傳之宗旨及 彌勒佛的源慈大願──化污澤的人間為人間淨土,化紛亂的世界為世間天國。
Observing the cosmos and all the living beings consciously, among all the
earthly activities and phenomena, we will find the existence of the laws of
nature. There is a supernatural origin which guides all the operations happening
across the galaxy, the earth, and the human beings. We call this source “DAO”.
existed before primordial time, and even before the universe was merged. It is
the origin of the world and it thereafter nurtures all the creatures and beings.
Since it is unchangeable and does not evolve with time, it is the ultimate
truth. It is what all saints and sages throughout human history have been
searching for.
essence of Dao is the foundation of nature. The law or the power that existed
before the universe was formed is beyond description because there were no
civilizations nor creatures, let alone languages. Since it cannot be applied any
name, we simply call it “Dao”.
the world was merged, along with the mutations of the universe, we see the
harmonious actions as exhibited in seasonal changes, rhythms of time and tide,
and the balance of the ecosystem. We also find some conformity of human nature
across various cultures. These prove the laws of nature. This is the extension
of that original “Dao” when it is substantiated and materialized. It merged into
everything that is with and within us.
Now that
we know Dao is present universally and yet difficult to be recognized, there
have been prophets and preachers trying to make us know and understand the
origin and the truth of life through various teachings and literature since the
beginning of civilization. They were scattered around the world throughout
history. As a result, great commandments were taught to disciples and goodness
and badness were differentiated. These teachings varied, based on differences in
culture, background, timing and the level of each individual’s comprehension.
However, they all tried to express and transmit to their descendants, this
creator and chief of the universe. It is “God”, or what we call “Dao”.
As we
get to know it more and more, we will realize that the essence of Dao and its
effect covers every existence without any exceptions.
Dao id actually the headwaters of all religions. It embraces the essence of all the
preaching and teachings. And yet, it is superior to the system of belief. It is
the nature, the universe itself. “Dao” or “God” represents the highest authority
and power of nature. It is also the headstream and superior to all. It is the
unchangeable principle.
Understanding “Dao” allow us not only to discover the center of all religious
belief, but also to communicate with the origin and the highest power of nature.
We will then be able to relate ourselves to the truth of the universe.
To probe further:
Dao existed before the formation of all, yet it was not anterior, which means that the creation was
embedded in it. Dao merges into the creation, yet is not posterior, which means
that it is not thereafter limited. Among those created, however large, they can
be measured; however small, they can be detected. It is only Dao that cannot be
measured of its immensity nor detected of its existence. Therefore, it is larger
than the largest and leaves nothing excluded, and yet it can be smaller than the
smallest and leaves nothing not penetrated. It is ubiquitous. It merges into and
governs all. It is in charge of the space, the earth, human beings, all the
creatures, and all existences. It penetrates and regulates the entire universe.
It is the source of all the scriptures, sutras, as well as dharmas. It
encompasses all the religions, and it is what makes one a Buddha or a saint. It
is the single chief of all. And, above all, it is in charge of each individual
too. It is the divine self. This is the true meaning of Dao. We should get to
know it this way and rediscover our own invaluable treasure. So, to practice Dao
is to revive one’s own conscience as well as everyone else’s and to act upon it
accordingly. Then, all people can be of one spirit, all nations can be in peace
like a family, and the Great Harmony will come true. How precious Dao is!
significance of Dao is in its immensity and ubiquity. Its mightiness guides the
universe to carry on with changing seasons and evolving creatures. The countless
aspects of the natural phenomena seem so capricious and yet really in order and
in cycles. This almighty being also resides in each of us. It is the divine
self, the natural quality of a person. It enables us to see, to feel, to taste,
to hear, and to move without learning.
While we
research the ultimate truth in the universe, we should turn in upon and see into
ourselves to discover that divine self. We will find the rules that govern the
universe also comply with the way we are.
Dao is
not something too far to reach, nor too mysterious to comprehend. It is nothing
particular, but has to do with our daily lives. We cannot do without it. Every
movement we make, in order to see, to touch, to feel and to think, is associated
with Dao. Consider how many wonders are hidden in our body, how delicately our
physical functions are carried out. For example, when we shake hands, the
components involved would include the coordination of joints and muscles, the
chemical reactions of energy, the transmission of information through nerve
systems, and the actions occurring in our brain such as issuing orders, making
judgements and analyzing situations. Even with the most advanced technology and
the highest level of knowledge we have developed today, we cannot completely
reconstruct such a function. Yet the ability to perform such a simple movement
is there for all individuals, regardless of the level of a person’s knowledge
and his/her being a grown-up or a baby, a scholar or an illiterate. Theses are
the kind of abilities we come equipped with naturally, without learning and
being taught. It sits within us and is in charge of all. It is “Dao”, never
diminishes nor inflates.
knowledge acquired through learning can be forgotten. A gymnast can abandon
his/her techniques and a musician can lose his/her skills without practicing.
The essence of Dao and its extension are always in charge of the macro-universe
- - the nature, and the micro-universe - - the human being’s self. We are
associated with it unconsciously since the first day. Because it encompasses the
whole nature within us, we also call it “native self”.
Dao is
within and surrounding us. It needs not be worshiped nor debated over. Because
its existence is unconditional, regardless of race, color, nationality, religion
or status. It is impartial and stays constant.
receiving Dao, we not only find the origin of the universe, but also the divine
self. We get to know the highest power in the universe as well as the genuine
nature in charge of self. We discover the ultimate truth of the cosmos as well
as the integrity of ourselves. Recognizing that the laws which govern the
universe also govern us makes us be able to return to our true nature.
To probe further:
The most essential concept in Dao is that we all possess it intrinsically. It is the wisdom and
ability we were born with without learning or practicing. It is one’s
conscience, which is like the spirit of God - - the divine and immortal nature.
It is invisible and intangible. For this reason, we call it “genuine emptiness”,
which means that to be really empty, it goes beyond emptiness and can therefore
have marvellous existence in it. “Marvellous existence” is the foundation for
the sky, the earth, human beings, all the creatures, and all existences. With
omnipotence, Dao is called “Great Lord of All Beings”. This almighty being is
not only in charge of the entire universe, but also in charge of oneself. So the
proverb is, “Dao is within self which is the drive of all one’s abilities; A
physical body without Dao is useless.” This is the treasure that we should all
realize and fully explore.
When we
look around the world, we admire the miracles and wonders of nature. Countless
things change and move simultaneously every second, and yet in order and in
harmony. So do our bodies. Countless biochemical reactions and physical
functions occur concurrently within our bodies. Without learning and thinking
that come subjectively, the thousands of activities that happen within us are
the extension and action of Dao. And all together, it is one single self. It
functions naturally and automatically without the need for our intents to be
involved. This is the effect of Dao within us.
Dao is
not only in control of the universe and nature, but also in charge of every
human being in his/her own actions. In other words, it is the same source that
governs us as well as everything else. Dao is invisible and intangible, but it
has been working out its magic before day one. Thereafter, languages, cultures,
religious scriptures, literature, and civilization were developed. They all
originate from Dao functioning within us.
don’t realize it is “Dao” that has been residing and working within us and have
used “soul” to represent the confusing and yet irrefutable being. Because it is
eternal and intangible, we also call it “true self”. This true self is the most
abundant, brilliant, and imperishable being.
take a look at our tangible body and see if it can be the true self. We know the
pictures taken throughout one’s life show different faces and expressions. We
recognize people by face, but our looks change and are not permanent. The
handicapped, with impaired arms or legs, can also lead a complete life. One with
a transplanted animal heart is still ha human being. Even our brain cells keep
decreasing and changing every second from the moment we were born. Therefore,
the physical body is only the interim residence of the true self. Though it
seems so real, solid and alive, it turns into dirt eventually. We call it “false
self” because of its tentative and transient nature.
recognizing the difference between the true self and the false self, we
understand the reason and importance for us to receive Dao. Luckily, we are
given the opportunity of receiving Dao and learning the “Three Treasures”. The
Three Treasures are straight forward yet profound. The meaning and details of
them will be illustrated through the rite of receiving Dao. Here, we only
discuss two issues:
by receiving Dao, the true self gets pointed out. It leads to our conscience.
Upon the time when material pursuance surpasses spiritual seeking, giving up the
true self only makes us a walking corpse. In order to fulfill and satisfy the
sensational desires of the false self, we may commit wrong-doings and harm
others, eventually creating troubles for ourselves. Our inner conscience is
identified and enlightened by receiving Dao. Thus, the body gets to work with
the spirit in a mutually beneficial and harmonious way, making our lives joyful,
and meaningful.
by receiving Dao, the front door or Main Gate of our bodies gets opened. It
leads us to conscience, mercy and wisdom. When we leave a house, we leave
through the front door. If the front door is locked, we may have to leave
through the back door, or even by breaking the window or jumping off the
balcony. We may fall and get hurt by doing so. Our body is like a house, and our
soul is the master who lives in the house. One day, when the body is aged and
depleted and the soul has to leave, we can imagine its horror if it can not
leave through the correct exit. This is the pain and discomfort human beings
experience at the coming of death and after death. As we know, for most people,
when they are dying, their body shows stiffness, and signs of helplessness and
confusion. After we receive Dao, the door of life and death will be opened.
able to receive Dao and the Three Treasures while having the door to heaven
opened, we have the opportunity to recognize the true self and the Dao that
dwells within us. We are going to treat people and the world with conscience and
make our lives more meaningful. We can transcend life and death. Within a
hundred years, we will be able to return to where we came from. Therefore, the
heavenly Dao is also the way to return back to heaven.
To Probe further:
The enlightenment of Dao is superior to studying thousands of sutras. This is the value of Dao. The
enlightenment of Dao opens the Main Gate, the front door, which is the entrance
to heaven. It gives us the guarantee to be exempted from rebirth cycles and to
reach eternity. The superiority of this enlightenment lies in that it surpasses
Buddhas and saints, it exceeds the scope of sutras and dharmas, and it
transcends the universe. Dao is therefore Source of All Sutras, King of All
Dharmas, Mother of All Buddhas, and Creator of the Universe. Transcendence of
rebirth cycles leads to eternity. Being imperishable, Dao never deteriorates,
and we have never lost it at all. Hence Dao is the direct way back to heaven.
mentioned earlier, by receiving Dao, we act upon our conscience, gain more
wisdom, and find the door to heaven. In addition to these basics, we also
benefit from the following for our lifetime.
A. Being
away from sufferings and closer to happiness
troubles and worries we face in our daily lives mostly result from our disregard
of the true self. Receiving Dao helps us to recognize the Dao that has bee
dwelling in us and to restore the beauty of the true self, so that our behavior
and mind is free from being controlled by the earthly pleasures and being swayed
by the losses and gains of the material world. Since our minds are cultivated
spiritually, devils would not approach and get close to us. Thus, our fortune
can be altered from bad to bright, and we can obtain real joy.
B. Being
away from disaster and calamities
Dao has
been passed on through generations to one single master since the beginning of
human history. The thread of its passage weaves through ancient civilizations,
Transcending life and death
Life is
a mixture of happiness and bitterness. Throughout the journey of life, we
experience birth, growth, aging, illness, and death. Joys are momentary and
wealth is here today and gone tomorrow. Rather than seeking the pleasure of
material life, the wise make full use of their lifetime searching the true
meaning of life and eternity.
In old
times, Dao could only be received after harsh self-cultivation. Among the
hermits looking for the master in order to receive Dao, only very few could
obtain it. Whereas in this century, Dao is allowed to be spread and transmitted
through the authorized masters to the truth-seekers. The master points out the
Main Gate of life and death, assuring the completeness of our true self. With
the true self as our guide, which keeps us away from evil and greed, it helps us
think , speak, and act in accordance with our conscience and intuition. Death
then becomes the return of our soul to the eternal and peaceful home where we
came from. Thus, we will have lasting joy.
Achieving sacred beings
enlightenment of Dao, which reveals the true self, is like the planting of the
seed of righteousness and integrity. Through self-cultivation and
self-improvement, the nurturing of wisdom, kindness, and purity, it will blossom
and produce the fruit of sacred mind and eternal life.
In time
of overwhelming utilitarianism, Dao is the lighthouse to the truth. Receiving
Dao, and then cultivating ourselves, not only improves our own lives, but also
gives us the opportunity to better the world.
After we
receive Dao, we act upon our conscience and care for people around us. We
cherish Dao and disregard personal disadvantages. Then we make an effort to
spread the message of Dao to the world, in order for everyone to benefit from
it. We are devoting ourselves to the work of God, and certainly will achieve
spiritual perfection in both this world and the world after life.
To probe further:
The supremacy of Dao is based on the Heavenly Decree of God, by which Grand Masters can perform the
passage of Dao. The enlightenment of Dao from Grand Masters directly opens the
Main Gate of our bodies, which revives our divine nature. It reveals that heaven
is not beyond oneself. Instead, one’s true self merges into the entire
universe.” This is the supremacy of Dao.
1. With the Heavenly Decree, the enlightenment of Dao is
extremely profound and marvellous. It cannot be completely expressed by any
words of languages. It is not recorded on any scriptures or sutras. It cannot be
described by preaching, nor can it be acquired by human intelligence, nor
derived from knowledge and experience, nor achieved from gifted talents. Because
the above mentioned all have to be created and can be eliminated, which means
that they cannot last forever themselves. They all bear partiality and cannot be
applied universally. Hence, they cannot surpass life cycles, nor can they reach
2. The wonder of the effects and omnipotence of Dao is
beyond words. It is the wisdom that does not come form learning. It is what we
acquire from God and possess intrinsically. It is the same divine heart before
the creation of the universe. It is conscience, the holy heart. It is the divine
and immortal nature-the spirit of God.
3. Dao is too marvellous to be described. It makes us
know without learning and function without practicing. It is a prior wisdom,
perception, potency, and ability. It’s not constrained by words or languages. It
functions without thinking, intents, or even actions. However, it can create the
sky, the world, the human, all beings, and all existences. All these, after
being created, still cannot carry on without Dao even for one moment. Dao is
therefore called Great Lord of All Beings.
4. Without Dao, the stars and planets in the sky
wouldn’t have been in order. The sun ‘and the moon couldn’t have illuminated or
revolved properly. Then the yin-yang energies wouldn’t have circulated, and, as
a result, this world wouldn’t have been suitable for all of us to live in.
5. Without Dao, the five primary elements of the earth
(metal, wood, water, fire, and soil) wouldn’t have been balanced and
complemented one another, which could have put the entire world in chaos.
Mountains would have collapsed, lands would have cracked, and oceans would have
dried up. Likewise, this world wouldn’t have been an environment for us to live
6. Without Dao, we, human beings, wouldn’t have been
able to walk, to see, to hear, to speak, or to move. Our physical bodies would
deteriorate quickly into a pile of soil in a hundred days.
7. If one really comprehends the effects and
omnipotence of Dao, and can practice accordingly and persistently, one can
communicate with and be united with God. This is the absolute truth. It is a
glory and marvel beyond description. Therefore, it not after death that one
becomes a Buddha. It is when one is still alive that one achieves being a
Buddha. And to be a Buddha is to revive and hold on to one’s divine and original
nature. This is what we benefit from attaining and practicing Dao.
We have
discussed the many benefits we obtain after receiving Dao. Some would wonder,
why there is so much given to us. Of course, we should realize it comes from
God’s grace toward human beings. This allows Dao to be spread around the world,
especially at the approaching of the world-wide calamity. People with merit and
conscientious mind will have the opportunity of learning about Dao and the way
back to heaven. It always holds true that people who have the fortune of
receiving Dao are derived from the tree of righteous ancestors.
addition, during the passage of Dao, it is required that we make promises to God
A. After we receive Dao, we will keep in
mind the true meaning of Dao and put it into action in our daily life. What we
speak and what we do will all be based on our conscience.
B. After we receive Dao, we offer help
to those in need of it, and do our best to indicate Dao to more people so that
they can all benefit from the grace of God.
C. After we attain the Three Treasures,
we promise not to tell them to any other person. The Three Treasures can only be
transmitted through authorized masters in front of God. If we reveal them to any
person, they become invalid to the person, and we also defy the Heavenly Decree.
All the
promises required are reasonable and achievable. It goes with our nature. If we
practice and keep the promises, we will be able to become a wiser and a better
person. We will become merciful, and nurture the good seed of Dao planted in out
One last
thing to mention is that one of the reasons we are able to receive Dao is due to
the good deeds of our ancestors. Therefore, as we persistently practice Dao, our
ancestors will also benefit from it and so will our descendants.
As long
as you are prepared for the above mentioned, you are qualified to receive Dao,
no matter what nationality, race, or religion you belong to.
In order
to be exempted from the rebirth cycles, to avoid the ordeal of hell, to
alleviate the suffering and misfortunes in our lives, and to be able to return
back to heaven after death and enjoy permanent happiness, we have to receive
Dao. And the general qualifications are:
To be with a compassionate heart, and to
be fortunate enough to be born in a time when Dao is available to the public.
2. To have sowed the seeds of virtue by
helping many people and offering lots of charitable services in the previous
lives. This is the divine affinity with God.
3. To have ancestors with beneficences
and welfare work as well.
4. To meet the Introducer and Guarantor
who indicate the way to attain Dao to me. It is very likely that, in the
previous lives, we did charitable services together, or we self-cultivated
together in the same religion. So, in this life, when Dao is available, we can
help each other out and practice Dao together again. So time is ripe for Dao due
to our divine affinity.
As we
mentioned before, unlike the old days when hermits had to leave their families
to receive Dao through meditation and self-cultivation, Dao, at the present
time, can be received in a way that’s applicable and conforming to our practical
needs. We don’t have to give up our life style in order to attain Dao. By the
grace of God, Dao is intended to be delivered to the public at all levels of
occupations and around the world, rather than being limited to a privileged
group of people.
impacts that receiving Dao can have on our daily life are summarized as the
A. Receiving Dao creates no conflicts
with any religions
governs the universe including all human beings. It existed before the formation
of any religions. It is concordant with all religions, in the sense that
religions preach the awareness of conscience and the pursuit of the truth. We
don’t need to give up our religion in order to receive Dao. On the contrary, by
receiving Dao, we will have further understanding of the truth.
B. Conscience becomes our ultimate
Due to
the variations of cultures, customs, backgrounds, legislation, and value
systems, it is difficult to find a universal guideline for all of us to follow
in our daily life. In receiving Dao, the main commandment is to act by our
conscience, the true self, rather than by literature. We should be sensitive to
the conscience, rather than be familiar with the laws.
C. We will voluntarily keep the promised
made while receiving Dao
receiving Dao, we are not offered conscience or true self, but merely the
opening of the door to wisdom and mercy. Therefore, we restore the heavenly
principles inherent in us, and strengthen the power originating from our
conscience. There is no external force that makes us keep the promises and
commitments that we made when we receive Dao. The only force comes from the
guilty feelings that result from our misbehaviours, which reduces the mistakes
we make.
D. Practicing Dao can accommodate our
worldly affairs
fulfillment of practicing Dao and conscientious awareness does not have to be
accomplished in a temple or church. It is not required to abandon worldly
belongings or relationships in order to attain the ultimate truth. Each
individual can still have his/her family, career, and schooling at the same
time. As long as we keep in mind the basic guideline we should have are
practicing Dao and getting closer to our divine self.
E. We will make a better world by
improving ourselves first
After we
receive Dao, by realizing the true self and what we are, the feeling of joy
comes to us. The improvements on the quality of our spiritual life will affect
people surrounding us. By interacting and working together in Dao, we will make
the world better with lower crime rate and less pollution. The wish of Maitreya
will finally come true - - to turn the world into God’s kingdom and make people
all live in harmony.
Dao, due
to its completeness and generality, regulates the totality of all beings. Many
people, after receiving Dao, with their wisdom, faith, and devotion, realize
that Dao is the fundamental principle that governs all things. They comprehend
the truth of the universe not only through literature, but also through daily
living and nature. Their faith in Dao becomes strengthened and they move forward
in their spiritual life. However, for people who haven’t or just received Dao,
Dao can be confirmed through revelations.
A. Anyone who has received Dao
with the front door opened shall die peacefully. One proof of this is that for
those who have received Dao and died, their bodies remained soft and their faces
vivid. Since the soul leaves the body through the correct exit, the corpse can
actually remain un-corroded for a few days. With the most advanced modern
science and technology, it is still difficult to explain this phenomenon.
However, it is a FACT that cannot be denied. This has happened before in some
religions, but very rarely. For people who have received Dao, this kind of
testimony is ubiquitous, unless they have committed serious sins and corrupted
their own mind. This can prove the soul has reached an ultimate harmony.
B. Being the superintendent of the
things on earth, human beings are nonetheless weak. Since birth, we are subject
to unpredictable accidents and natural disasters. There have been many people
who encountered danger, used the Three Treasures with faith, and got away from
the danger or reduced the damage to the minimum. Testimonies of this kind are
above two mentioned are rarely heard of and difficult to believe, but they are
the immediate security given by God once a person has received Dao. Thereafter,
with each individual’s faith, wisdom, and the accumulation of good deeds, one
will come to know the truth more and more. It’s up to you to experience the
value of this treasure. I hope you will have the opportunity to receive Dao,
experience it in your life, achieve ultimate perfection, and realize eternity. |