
皇  家 鄉 信 書


三才四相生八卦                家鄉觀音萬萬尊

一氣化作異共女                五行顛倒化人倫

老無生在安陽大放悲聲                嘆東土男共女不知察省

有四時合八節天寒地凍                七月天朵花開壞了光景

上元過中元盡下元到了                盼羅漢和觀音不肯回宮

一個個貪戀着花花世界                並無有一點心罣懷娘身

想東土當初的少男無女                來隨去不離娘身

有老那時節無奈之處                無奈何纔捨了男女姣生

千囑咐萬商量不下東林                定計策纔撇下我兒原童

咬中指鮮血流美酒造下                三山坡哄醉了羅漢觀音

把兒女只喝得醺醺大醉                又好比無魂人怎知路徑

原童兒卧在那養魚池中                脫仙衣去雲鞋帶回天庭

有觀音和羅漢全不解意                一個個淨水池玩耍洗身

全不曉捨了原童兒女                再不得貪安然隨定娘身

待說是不捨我原童原女                欽差令天鼓響撞不絕聲

趁觀音和羅漢水中玩耍                將仙衣並雲鞋提在空中

雲宮裏回頭望眼流血淚                觀見了兒女們大放悲聲

汁喝血全當美酒                一個個醉迷了三山坡中

為只為東土裏少男無女                無奈何纔捨我親生兒童

有為娘那時間心多不忍                望兒女酒醒來甚麼形容

噴一口無影氣遮天蓋地                挽神郎差下去九條青龍

家元氣酒一齊收了                兒女們酒醒來還在水中

也不知仙衣鞋歸落何處                四下都尋遍了不見娘親

山中尋林中不見娘面                嘆壞了羅漢兒哭壞觀音

叫聲天哭聲地良在何處                披着頭赤着足好不傷心

無仙衣身上寒自打冷戰                口又渴肚又餓那裏安身

高是山底是水不敢動轉                手扯手不敢離大放悲聲

捨兒女又好比失巢之鳥                南的南北的北各分西東

三山坡前悲嗟嘆         不見娘親在那邊         山中猛虎連聲叫

嬰兒無路口喊天         聲聲連叫無生         你捨孩兒不團圓 

東土去做男共女         仙衣雲鞋在那邊         縱然東土為兒女

少衣無食怎不凡         在雲中高聲喊         羅漢觀音聽我言

餓了吃些松柏子         渴了澗下飲清泉         松柏枝葉作冠帶

身披樹葉且遮寒         但等水歸西海去         我催老祖去下凡

西天竺國少五穀         自種自吃把時盼         羅漢觀音眼落淚

大放悲聲哭皇天         自此子分別後      何年何月再團圓

老無生在雲端高聲囑咐                東土裏作人根記心中

莫怨把兒捨忍心忍意                說老豈不憐苦養姣生

為的是東土裏乾坤不就                無奈何纔捨我親生兒童

兒不必苦苦的戀戀不捨                下凡間治世界不忘姣生

等只等三元會乾坤改變                有老下紅塵去渡兒童

觀音說末劫年下凡渡俺                有甚麼作憑證苦熬苦等

吾老在雲端高聲囑咐                十個指都相侵莫要漏風

那時節聞書信莫要迷性                斬恩愛斷牽纒子相逢

早回頭早得果早辨前程                莫貪着花世界角落苦穽

子們正講話天鼓響喨                命兒女急速的去投東京

有老了急眼中落淚               不住的淚珠滾大放悲聲

叫觀音和羅漢快下東土                天鼓響震的我胆戰心驚

帶仙衣駕祥雲辭別兒女                有觀音和羅漢痛苦傷情

命俺下東土情愿遵令                但只是下紅塵不知路程

無仙衣又不能穿山過嶺                無雲鞋也不能駕雲騰空

大叫着捨俺性命難保                少五穀缺衣食怎得延生

原兒女跪塵埃痛哭不止                哀老莫捨俺救兒性命

下東土只隔着千江大水                高是山底是水不能前行

少仙衣無雲鞋難保性命                東土裏治世界怎樣延生

無生把兒女連呌幾聲                我只有玄妙法送你一程

交與你開乾坤幾件仙寶                騎青龍乘鳳凰送下囂紅

這是那八件寶交付與你                帶領着治世令無恐無驚

交與你七星劍開山分水                撥開了生死路任你去行

交與你太極圈降魔寶鏡                降天魔管地妖不能傷形

交與你定南針明珠一顆                看透了全慼他能放光明

把老先天圖親手發下                那上邊是老仙體真容

到東土想老不能得見                展開了先天圖如見娘容

到後來東土裏遭劫受難                把影像誠心拜自有感應

這是那三元數錦書一道                無縫鎖瑾封閉莫可漏風

等只等末劫年妖魔出世                遍地裏撒乾坤亂害原根

一個個亂充道觀音佛祖                那時節原童子難認假真

那時節兒纔到危難之處                急打開三元數必知原因

到後來生下了眾生男女                叮嚀他行善事苦讀真經

六個字隨身帶非是小可                內藏着玄妙法大分吉凶

我只把真寶貝交付與你                再不必常啼哭大放悲聲

子們三山坡正在講話                猛聽得聚台上亂擊金鐘

呌兒女快去投紅塵東土                失誤了東土令了得不成

無生隨駕起祥雲去了                噴法氣騰彩雲轉回天宮

生回宮去心中痛悲                有觀音和羅漢哭死又生

觀音佛和羅漢萬般無奈                止不住眼中淚扎跪流平

又只見老古佛歸天去了                閃的俺無娘子孤苦零丁

一窩蜂無有王怎能收住                無奈何尋個窩纔然安寧

十八男十二女無依無靠                有觀音和羅漢去投東城

無生來淚漣漣         大捨原童苦根原         三山坡前分了手

歸西天不回還         娘想兒來不能見         兒想娘來哭皇天

子要得重相見         但等臨頭末劫年         那時長等家書信

欽差合同送下凡         若還不得領合同         永世不能轉回還

若還參透家書信         須彌山前是根源         積功累德行善事

感格明師指玄關         指出你的無價寶         翻身一步天外天

那時見了無生面         極樂國中任你玩         不怕三災並八難

順適自在樂無邊         那時不迷本來性         迷失本來墮深淵



三山坡前悲嗟嘆         扭項回頭看一番         開言呌聲阿羅漢

你聽為娘說實言         我今捨你下東土         六萬餘年戀塵凡

酒色財氣迷本性         貪圖名利墜苦淵         忠孝節義盡失了

駱駝獅象去轉變         五常八德不體行         四生六道不能安

那時事情大改變         五濁惡魔不周全         三災八難一齊現

恐怕損壞眾兒男         命你東土走一遍         莫迷本性失根源

九十一億皇胎子         同登彼岸回家園         旨傳下令

各樣寶貝顏色鮮         贈你一把智慧劍         降魔寶鏡太極圈

陰陽寶鏡翻天印         捆仙繩子打仙鞭         贈你一頂攢天帽

蹬雲鞋兒足下穿         十字街前設酒筵         醍醐瓊漿把行餞

囑咐話兒牢牢記         這個關係非等閑         要體祖規努力辦

違悖天旨墮九泉         阿羅漢來聽法言         心內輾轉又輾轉

千斤擔子擔身上         足踏雲梯下南閻         挨門找尋周流轉

登山涉水不息肩         大喊靈山貼骨眷         速培陰德莫遲延

花花世界不久遠         五魔掃塵難遮攔         爾等早把心腸換

改惡行善是奇男         南閻惡事盡都壞         移星換斗改坤乾

速速回頭即是岸         得緣失緣墮苦淵         立功培德行實善

纔算九十二億男         當日孔子喟然嘆         循循善誘愛良賢

善人吾未曾得見         得見恒者心亦安         這般大事真稀罕

十二萬年只一遍         三天共議瑤池岸         十六心法蓋世宣

鳶飛戾天魚躍淵         三車搬運鼎爐煎         金木交並水火濟

鉛汞相投結大丹         聖日聖月照金庭         出玄入牝丹一團

呼吸育青來煆煉         文火溫養密綿綿         沐浴一畢嬰兒現

脫了胎襖似童顏         無拘無束蓮台站         崑崙蓬萊散步玩

日月無影神通顯         金石無礙任意穿         饑食松柏珍饈咽

渴飲清泉甘露甜         閒時山前觀虎鬥         悶來山後聽鳥喧

瀟瀟洒洒無塵垢         仙衣綬帶顏色鮮         不管世上陞調補

何慮興發忠與奸         天地有壞我無壞         萬劫千千大覺仙

為人若得此妙意         不枉東土走一番         這回不得歸家路

又等十二萬餘年         迷昧眾生全不曉         貪戀紅塵落深淵

當初送你下紅塵      無有五穀甚可憐         如今各樣治齊了

又貪酒色不回還         囑咐言語全不記         貪圖名利逞怪奸

行奸弄巧終何用         五魔臨頭怎遮攔         又添瘟疫刀兵起

旱澇饑饉真可慘         數盡時至處處現         五方甲馬戰夷邊

狂風一陣難逃避         天降罡風賽雲端         若殺天地男共女

得受靈文無憂難         如今就是三期至         纔收嬰兒把家還

萬世再不東土去         不受東土苦煞煎         有緣千里來相會

無緣對面不相干         若是九二原來子         任憑屈死把娘盼

十魔九難終無悔         纔是九二真奇男         無緣任憑說破口

總要帶笑作戲玩         當面說的是好話         背地就說是異端

這樣人兒莫名勸         總是進道也枉然         生就異類緣分淺

磚頭磨鏡焉能鮮         任他奸巧都使遍         上神記過在雲端

單等一日道明顯         霹雷一聲化灰烟         如今世情大改變

好的盡被惡的牽         一把心痛酸         纔把諸神差下凡

彌勒古佛把道掌         諸佛諸祖把道闡         先發旁門傳經典

朝山拜頂把心拴         後來真道出了現         各訪明師指玄關

指你廻光並返照         撥陰取陽煉金丹         吾差彌勒年久遠

並無音信轉回還         莫非貪凡迷了性         貪戀紅塵不知還

臨行各樣話囑咐         也該與吾把信傳         正在悲嗟嘆

忽然彌勒到蓮前         雙膝扎跪把娘見         無生開言問一番

無生老正在悲嘆忽然 彌勒扎跪蓮前兩淚不乾 老曰兒子站起坐下 彌勒曰謝坐吾身邊可好 曰罷了命你東土去渡男女帶領諸佛諸祖為何一去不歸 彌勒佛曰 老坐下聽兒子道來

無生請坐在蓮台寶位                彌勒佛未開言兩淚紛紛

非是我違了令不把家望                諸佛祖迷了性不肯回宮

想當初都領了的欽命                差下隨我去各落地名

都落到花世界借母投姓                七十二國土地皆落佛性

又落到南北鎮二十三省                普天下滿乾坤皆有神通

一個個迷了性反顯其能                行外道哄男女不肯回宮

生了死死了生迷住心性                張家男李家女輪廻不停

那竅入這竅出心性不定                貪紅塵圖名利墮落深坑

勸不醒說不轉實在悲痛                苦勸他生謗毀反惹臉紅

末劫年俱都是謠言作崇                說異端行邪術楊墨路徑

都貪戀花世界罪名造下                三教經不窮究怎能回宮

前後的實情話一一指明                諸佛祖迷了性難以回宮

無生聞此言胆戰心驚                還要你重下凡救渡原童

彌勒佛一聽說遊魂不正                再三推六次告永不投東

莫說是渡原人回轉天庭                諸佛祖都不信怎渡原童

非是兒不遵法違悖天命                渡不轉原來子難回天宮

一個個好愩高誇强好勝                誹聖經謗佛法誰把道宗

無生沒奈何忙下蓮位                屈雙膝喚彌勒看吾薄情

彌勒佛急忙忙扎跪流平                心如雷胆如電摻起無生

把老讓坐到蓮台寶位                急慌忙把頭叩恕饒罪名

罷禮謝罷恩一旁站立               止不住痛心淚滴濕前胸

囑咐下凡去再渡原童                東土裏收圓事非你不行

任憑他千謗毀只當風過                你總要慈悲心怠化兒童


靈山淚氵巴氵巴       彌勒佛子聽根芽         只因全家東土下

酒色迷昧不歸家         二兄也曾二次下         共度四億坐蓮花

這場劫運大又大         非比從前小開花         九十二億皇胎子

少了一個不歸家         三佛一聽親娘話         嚇得心酸肉又麻

東土眾生如狼虎         怎麼度得他歸家         況且娑婆世界大

二十三省是中華         莫說兩脚來行走         飛勝也難遍天涯

這回佛旨難領下         慈悲別開發         聽氣得咽喉啞

三子為何犯佛法         違抗佛旨該何罪         准被陰山把兒壓

忙了靈山諸佛祖         男女老少眾菩薩         仙齊跪丹墀下

哀求慈悲饒恕他         靈霄殿上言話         男女老幼聽開發

你等羣仙齊下世         開荒打草幚助他         西方不留一佛子

天宮不留一菩薩         只候收圓命他到         同遍娑婆化蓮化

捨身捨命遇有賞         上品金蓮不須誇         心疼兒女把凡下

來來往往轉凡家         只候功成圓滿日         身披霞衣插金花

臨行吩咐一句話         大小男女聽開發         早立志向沖天大

懦弱無志難歸家         早種早栽結菓大         若遲若慢開空花

要作領袖肚量大         能屈能伸不自誇         調賢引眾智慧大

登山涉水苦更加         日後功圓果滿到         脫骨換像證蓮花

依功定奪無更改         上品金蓮誰敢拿         還有一句心記下

謹防龍蛇來混雜         山中隱士來出現         鬼仙忙得手脚扒

山妖水怪起妄想         萬物成精把道蹋         爾等切莫迷心性

時進有賞開心花         妖邪闖入道場內         娘降皇風逐去他

吾兒男女緊保守         任着搖來憑着他         根淺福薄孽種子

使他心中亂如麻         顛顛倒倒無把柄         惹事生非結冤家

愩高執着毛病大         奸貪詭詐害佛家         或有恩愛難割下

生怕生事沾連他         一槪說些敗道話         原人都把道場塌

此等孽種該天殺         他也痴想成菩薩         雖然皇風娘降下

中眼哭花        只候道成臨報至         善惡分明有賞罰

娘把三災齊降下         五魔收取作惡家         五百雷神空中現

靈祖金鞭日夜查         道成魔滅纔顯化         方知作魔害自家

恭喜男女我的娃         方纔成了活菩薩         永不投東把凡下




無生寫血書悲哀悲痛                一字字一行行寫的分明

蛟龍袍渾身衣血染通紅                寫一字哭一聲不見姣生

無生寫血書頓首多拜                拜上了諸佛祖多謝恩情

若有緣見書信急忙改性                改皮氣低血心子相逢

莫好高莫逞强莫仗聰明                割恩愛斬牽纒修悟虛靈

三教理窮究到就是繩準                訪明師指一貫無字真經

上行到泥九宮崑崙山頂                雙林樹十字街略略停停

下行到海泉穴安身立命                停一刻坤貫滿去濁留清

為你晝夜裏心不安靜                為兒晝夜裏兩淚長傾

又拜在東土五百羅漢                又拜着在東土五百觀音

又拜在東土十姐九妹               又拜古靈山一會觀音

又拜在下方四十八願               又拜在下方萬祖千神

又拜在下方九十二億               又拜十六男一齊知音

想當初東土裏無有人倫                纔捨兒立人根轉到如今

至如今搯指算六萬餘載                兒受苦娘何安豈不惜憐

那時差去兒東土治世                到如今三災到要損兒身

無奈何把諸佛俱都差盡                彌勒佛去收圓帶領諸神

為眾生把的心血費盡                到於今只落得孤孤零零

金宮裏不見我十姐九妹                金宮裏又不見十二觀音

鸞昌宮不見了大悲老母                紫竹林又不見救世觀音

淨昧宮不見了地宮老母                吾面前又不見文殊普賢

為只為樂陽樓擺下羣筵                立人根飲血酒迷住心原

去時節娘與你合仝一卷                訪明師指玄關纔得回還

閒無事就將那樓門緊閉                懷抱着古合仝能過三關

千囑咐萬叮薴賢良兒女                斬恩愛斷牽纏看了娘顏

娘想兒恨不得一時就見                娘想兒神不安心如刀穿

娘想兒那一天不哭幾番                娘想兒無一時淚點不乾

娘想兒只哭的法輪不轉                娘想兒只哭的甘露不甜

娘想兒只哭的六門不閉                娘想兒只哭的嬰兒不團

娘想兒只哭的三家分散                娘想兒只哭的氣不朝元

娘想兒只哭的丹田不煖                娘想兒只哭的水火不連

娘想兒只哭的清濁難辨                娘想兒只哭的乾坤不翻

娘想兒只哭的肝腸寸斷                哭斷肝號斷腸兒不回還

有一分子情三皈精嚴                有一分子情五戒真全

有一分子情莫謗賢聖                有一分子情莫說邪偏

有一分子情除却雜念                有一分子情旱把罪免

有一分子情凡心了盡                有一分子情莫吃酒煙

有一分子情艱難莫論                有一分子情皈古西天

詩曰  若還其念子情      早歸淨土學參禪

倘若不念子意     貪戀酒色墮塵凡

無生寫血書好不可憐                只為着姣生子淚點不乾

若念其子情恩愛斬斷                遵三皈守五戒永不下凡

無生寫血書龍袍血染                哭壞了彌勒佛眾位神仙

勸不醒兒不回與我何干                怕的是三災到要損兒男

怕的是有田地都要丟盡                怕的是有大廈不能身安

怕的是有金銀難買性命                怕的是有綾羅不能身穿

怕的是有產業不能享受                怕的是有地土不能耕田

怕的是恩與愛不能到老                怕的是好子孫一槪分散

怕的是百里路缺少人走                怕的是一府縣無有人煙

怕的是那人頭好似瓜滾                怕的是那尺骨堆如高山

盡都是五魔頭到處作亂                任你有妻兒女不得團圓

任你有金與銀與你不沾                任你有田合地不得所管

語不盡五魔頭到處作亂                還有這妖怪精來損良賢

山枖精水妖怪個個出現                哄男女隨他去成佛成仙

那時節原兒女正在危難                一聽說誰不肯隨他成仙

你若是隨他去夜晚轉變                將形體化膿口一口來餐

又還有假中和把逆考亂                外宣講內性功八卦週轉

假充這修道德成仙成佛                殊不知假慈愛害人不淺

倘若是投入他皈戒盡犯                又有言說夫婦交媾非焉

眾男女且莫要上他魔船                上他船怕的是萬劫難還

曾末想古聖人說的那件                無一毫人欲私天理流焉

到後來諸妖怪都要發現                怕的是害了俺原人仙眷

特叮嚀修行客真假要辨                假老母假觀音各顯能幹

假彌勒假收圓來損兒女                假木龍假祖師收圓掌船

排五老和十地引保頂證                發假恩發假執偽規而貪

這就是借假體而考修煉                你若是遵信他難把娘安

你不投他不敢把你命陷                你投他失靈光萬劫受難

叮嚀各門頭將理清辨                慎思之明辨之非禮勿觀

任憑他說的是蓮花美景                將六門緊鎖閉常守玄關

還有這旱澇劫定受饑寒                說起來不由泣涕漣漣

普天下絕五穀人民作亂                你總然餘下糧不由自便

或親戚或朋友都相爭餐                還有這異種類搶奪爭先

麥米價也賣得三兩五串                粗糧價又值得幾兩銀錢

粗棉布每一尺百十文銅                那棉花也長他一串大錢

把童兒餓的是神昏氣散                無用人就殺了當作飯餐

平地裏各樹皮盡皆吃完                高山上有樹菓可度荒年

雖然是住深山好度饑寒                還有這虎狼劫來損兒男

若見了作惡人一口吞餐                看見了行善人並置不觀

勸男女速速的早把功辦                有大玏有大德纔能平安

任憑他絕五穀叫喊連天                食鳥肝飲免髓不受饑寒

還有這瘟疫劫到處傳染                叫男女訪明師快上慈船

這些劫這些難不為奇焉                後有那水火風難過此關

普天下各州府盡都淹完                任憑他住高山也要撐船

水下去忽然間火又出現                普天下各樹木盡都燒完

火燒天火燒地乾坤火煉                也就是高山上一代燒干

峨嵋山老祖神通發現                猛烈風只颳的灰氣沖天

江河海只颳的土堆如山                只颳的神鬼嚎天地不安

那時節想出苦難了又難                那時節想見娘無有筏船

那時節想持齋不得自便                那時節想進道道在那邊

那時節想拜佛無有香案                那時節想辦功不用銀錢

千改悔萬改悔悔之已晚                好不該謗佛法不聽聖勸

好不該恨持齋不聽人言                好不該見善書並置不觀

好不該貪恩愛牽纒不斷                好不該把酒肉當作飯餐

好不該造假貨去把人瞞                好不該指神明歛人銀錢

好不該貪名利去把高攀                好不該殺生靈去把債欠

任你是羅漢體高聲大喊                天不言地不語盡落深潭

趁如今有人身早把佛念                莫等到劫臨頭叫喊連天

紅塵事是苦海莫久貪戀                求明師指出路不受熬煎

莫說是老古佛是個虛言                曾未想你性命那裏所管

前後的實情話一一寫完                若念起子情早把書參

一封書寫完畢淚點不乾                男與女見血書莫當戲玩

為身女把娘心操得碎爛                寫血書把娘的眼淚哭乾

一封書信寫畢收 珠淚滾滾往下流    雙手交與彌勒佛

收圓大事任你籌 三會殘靈度齊了    纔能把你收

無生交血書頓首多拜                下凡去受辛苦 記心懷

怕男女冒犯了你要擔帶                看着娘罣兒土莫惱心懷

寫血書把兒女託你交代                深可憐兒合女迷在苦海

破千障除萬邪老祖頂帶                斬妖魔除惡鬼與兒除災

那時節助你五行大道                到那時助你一切天兵

到那時助你仙菓仙菜                到那時助你十萬真經

到那時助你十萬寶貝                到下方點男女個個成功

先傳這古合仝抱在當胸                十個指都相侵莫要漏風

後點玄這關竅歸家路徑                金木交水火濟內轉真經

一傳道點男女三花聚頂                二傳道點男女五氣朝宗

三傳道點男女嬰兒出洞                四傳道點男女左(左自右家下水)苗降升

五傳道點男女陰出陽入                六傳道點男女地雷發鳴

七傳道點男女關過嶺               八傳道點男女武煉文烹

九傳道點男女週天全功                十傳道點男女十月胎生

一更裏安陽宮擺下筵宴                二更裏菩提酒放在桌中

無生三更裏陪着吃酒                無生四更裏與祖餞行

無生五更裏送祖起程                送一步哭一聲何日相逢

佛出了安陽宮悲聲大放                又哭的眾觀音兩淚交傾

眾觀音變一座萬丈高嶺                離了拾了娘不能相逢

回宮祖落凡家書完滿               只為着殘零子心不安然

家書完滿到靈山         靈山寺上有香煙         這封家書烈可看展開一看心痛酸          闔家人等落東土         落到東土無人參

有人參透家書信         安陽宮內大團圓         若不參透家書信

再想歸家難上難         這遭不得歸家轉         一失人身永無緣








 I once heard that the Home of souls is the destination for a person to return to the root; the Homeland of souls is the origin for a person to restore life; the word Faith 1 means to be truthful. Thus, there is an ancient proverb “Faith is the origin of Tao, virtues, and merits.”


This book The Letter from Home is the path of returning Home. The key secret of returning Home and restoring the True Self in the human body is the Right Portal.


The formless and shapeless True Self and the physical body are of no difference. Nowadays, few of the followers of the three great religions really comprehend this Truth. The essence of the three religions is verbally passed on from one Patriarch to the next and is continued without alteration. Since the genesis, Tao is passed on in single heritage; this is why the ancient Sages and scholars could excel in only one segment and among numerous factions, none has this essence.


Although the style in this book is plain, the Truth it expounds is the way for mankind to return to the Origin. Now is the time of the Last Catastrophe of the Third Period. Since

Heaven 2 has great mercy on humans, Tien-Tao becomes available to all. So those who are predestined to receive Tien-Tao can find the lost path, hence escape the catastrophe, leave the sea of suffering, and board the shore of Heavenly Kingdom.



God has ordained Buddhas to save the chaotic world. Through Fu-luan, 3 Buddhas exhort practitioners of Tao to study the Origin of the three great religions and explain the mystic Truth embedded within, to propagate Xian-tien I-Kuan Tao, 4 to point out the mysticism of the Right Portal and the practice of “knowing where to rest, being set, being tranquil, revealing True Nature, and being pure,” to prove that the three great religions originate from the same Truth, to teach the new comers, to syncretize the teachings of all Buddhas, and to guide the three great religions back on the right path. Thus, the Truth can be relayed forever. These are the mystic essence that the Saints of the three great religions have not passed on, and the current mercy ferry for all. Thus, the only path to the Origin is knowing the essence of returning to the Homeland.


Now Tien-Tao is descended to the poor and the common, yet is esteemed as the Dharma of return-ing the three great religions to One. How wonderful! How perfect! For generations, the Saints pass on nothing but Tien-Tao. This Truth is the utmost mystic and wonderful, the utmost void and inspiring, and the utmost noble and supreme. Aside from this most sublime Tao, There is no other short cut.



Heaven descends the only way to awakening. I hope each one of you will bring forth your hearts of great mercifulness to ferry yourselves and your families. If you miss this opportunity, you may not encounter it again even after suffering for tens of thousands of miseries. Therefore, you should hurry to seek the Enlightened Teacher to point out the mystic Truth, and so you can practice to return Home, to escape from the sufferings in the Last Catastrophe, to ascend to the Domain of Saints and Sages, to confirm the peerage of Bodhi, 5 and to rank on the top of the Nine Ranks. 6 Isn’t this a Saint or a Sage for many generations?


This is the foreword.

The eighth year of Republic of China,

Autumn, the Month of July in the Chinese Lunar Calendar

Written by Qing-cheng-zi in Dong-chan Hall of Yuan-tong Temple



1.    The Chinese character for “Faith” is also used for “Letter.”

2.     Heaven here refers to God.

3.     Fu-luan is also known as Sand Writing. It serves as a way for human and supernatural beings to communicate. Fu-luan is done with three persons, each representing Heaven, Earth, and man. Since Heaven, Earth, and man are the Three Powers, these three persons are also referred as the Three Powers. The “Heaven Power” holds a wooden pencil and writes words in the sandbox sideways, the “Earth Power” records the writings on paper, and the “man Power” speaks out loud the words.

4.     Xian-Tien is the Void, Heaven of Truth, or Li-tien. It is present before Heaven and Earth and it still exists after Heaven and Earth destructs. I-Kuan means that One pervades all and all will return to One. I-Kuan Tao means the Tao with One pervading all. It is another name for Tien-Tao.

5.     Bodhi is True Self.

6.     The Peerage in Heaven is divided into Three Grades. Each Grade has Three Ranks.





Three Powers 1 and Four Images 2 gave rise to Eight Trigrams; 3

There were billions of Guan-yin 4 in Homeland; 5

The spiritual energy transformed into men and women;

The mutual suppression of the Five Elements 6 evolved human procreation.


Lao-Mu I 7 wail mournfully in An-yang,

Sighing for My children lost in the mortal world.

The weather in the four seasons and eight Solar Periods 8 is frigid,

And pear tree blooms in July as seasons are disrupted.

The Shang-yuan passed, the Zhong-yuan ended, and the Xia-yuan 9 begins;

Lao-Mu I am looking forward to see My children, Luo-han 10 and Guan-yin, who do not want to return to the Heaven Palace.

Everyone of you are infatuated by the mortal world,

And do not care for Lao-Mu Me in your hearts.

Remember the time when there was neither men nor women on the Eastern Earth; 11

All of you followed Lao-Mu Me wherever I went and never left My side.

Lao-Mu I at that time had no other choice

But to part from My lovely children.

With repeated instructions and discussions, yet none was willing to descend to the Eastern Earth;

Thus Lao-Mu I devised a plan to leave My children.

Lao-Mu I bit My middle finger and made wine from the dripping blood;

In front of Tri-Peaks 12 Lao-Mu I lured My children to get drunk.

All children got drunk inebriatedly

Like persons without souls who could not find the way.

Yuan-fu-zi 13 lied in the Grand Immortal Pool, 14

And Lao-Mu I took the divine apparels and flying shoes 15 back to the Heaven Palace.

Yet no one understood Lao-Mu My intention;

Everyone played and bathed in the Pool.

Not realizing that Lao-Mu I was about to part from them

And they could not longer attach to comfort and accompany Lao-Mu Me.

Lao-Mu I was reluctant to let go of My children;

But the constant hastening drum beat signified the arrival of My Decree.

While Lao-Mu My children played in the water,

Lao-Mu I took the divine apparels and flying shoes in sky.

In the Heaven Palace Lao-Mu I looked back and tears with blood ran down from My eyes;

Lao-Mu I say My children and wailed mournfully.

They ate and drank My fluid and blood thinking that they were sumptuous wine;

Everyone was drunk and lost at the Tri-Peaks.

All because the Eastern Earth had no men or women,

Lao-Mu I had no choice but to leave My own children.

Lao-Mu I at that time could not bear

To see the expressions of My children after they sobered up.

So, Lao-Mu I spurted shadowless Qi 16 to cover Heaven and Earth

And ordered Shen-lang 17 to descend nine green dragons

To retrieve the wine made from My Yuan-qi.18

The children were still in water after they sobered up,

And could not find their divine apparels and flying shoes.

They looked all over but could not find Lao-Mu Me;

They searched in mountains, shouted in forests, but still could not find Lao-Mu Me;

 Lao-Mu My sons sighted in sorrow and My daughters cried aloud;

They mourned and wailed to Heaven and Earth and cried “Lao-Mu where are You?”

Hair dishevelled and foot bared, they were heart broken.

Without the divine apparels they shivered in cold;

Thirsty and hungry, they could not find a place to settle.

Up above were high mountains and down below were deep abysses, nobody dared to move;

Holding each other’s hands they wailed mournfully and none dared to leave.

The children Lao-Mu I departed were like the birds without nest;

From then on, they went their separate ways.


Woefully sobbing and sighing in front of the Tri-Peaks,

Yuan-fu-zi couldn’t find Lao-Mu Me anywhere;

The growling of the wild tigers echoed successively in the mountains;

All the children had no place to go but cried Heaven.

They cried aloud the name of Lao-Mu Me time after time,

You left us here and We can’t be together.

We become men and women in the Eastern Earth;

But where are all the divine apparels and flying shoes.

Although we become men and women in the Eastern Earth,

How could we go without apparels and food in the mortal world.”

Lao-Mu I cried out loud in the clouds,

“Hark My children.

Eat conifer seeds when hungry;

Drink spring water when thirsty.

Make hats and belts of conifer leaves and branches;

Cover your bodies with leaves against the cold.

Wait until the water return to the Western Sea,

I will descend the Patriarch to the mortal world.

There is no grain in the Eastern Earth,

Plow and sow and then reap, awaiting the Home coming day.”

The children’s eyes were all filled with tears;

They wept aloud to Heaven.

Since then Lao-Mu I and children parted,

When will We reunite?


Lao-Mu I sonorously reminded in the clouds,

“Be the origin of mankind in the Eastern Earth, and constantly keep Lao-Mu Me in your hearts;

Don’t ever blame that Lao-Mu I mercilessly forseek you children;

Should Lao-Mu I not feel compassion for My lovely children raised in difficulty?

All because qian and kun 19 were not established in the Eastern Earth;

With no other choice, Lao-Mu I forseek My own children.

 My children, be not overly attached to the Immortal Home;

Descend to rule the mortal world, and Lao-Mu I will never forget My lovely children.

Wait until the Three Buddhas 20 meet and qian and kun change,

Lao-Mu I will descend to the mortal world to ferry My children.”

“Ferry us Home in the Final Catastrophe Year?” 21 the children asked,

“Is there any proof to comfort this bitter and lengthy wait?”

Lao-Mu I sonorously answered in the clouds,

“Ten fingers cross tightly and don’t let air leak;

At that time when hearing of the letters from Home, don’t lose your True Selves;

Eliminate affections and love and cut bonds, then We will meet.

The sooner you arouse, the sooner you’ll receive peerage and return Home;

Be not enchanted by the mortal world or you’ll fall into the bitter well.”

When Lao-Mu I and children were talking, the Heaven drum boomed;

Lao-Mu I ordered My children to hurry to the Eastern Earth.

Lao-Mu I became so worried that tears dropped from My eyes;

Tears falling down endlessly, Lao-Mu I wailed mournfully.

“Hurry, My children, descend to the Eastern Earth.”

Lao-Mu I felt shuddered and fearful by the booms of the Heaven drum;

Taking away the divine apparels and riding on the halcyon clouds, Lao-Mu I parted from My children.

The children sobbed woefully;

“We are willing to obey Lao-Mu Your order to descend to the Easter Earth;

But we don’t know the road to the mortal world.

Without the divine apparels we cannot travel over mountains and ridges;

Without the flying shoes we cannot ride the clouds and fly in the sky.”

Crying aloud “Lao-Mu if You desert us, our lives will be in peril;

Without the five grains 22 to eat and clothes to wear, how can we survive?”

The children knelt down and wailed endlessly;

Beseeching Lao-Mu Me “Don’t forsake us but save us!

To descend to the Eastern Earth, there are thousands of mountains and rivers to cross;

High above is mountain, down below is water, we cannot go forward.

Without the divine apparels and flying shoes our lives are in peril;

How do we survive while governing the Eastern Earth?”

 Lao-Mu I called the children successively,

I can only send you off to a certain distance with a mystic way,

And hand you several treasures to commence qian and kun.”

Riding on the green dragon and the colourful phoenix, 23 the children were descended to the mortal world.

“These are the Eight Treasures 24 handed to you;

With them you can govern the world without fear and trepidation.

Handing you the Seven Star Sword 25 to divide mountains and separate waters;

Making visible the road of life and death so you may freely travel.

Handing you the Tai-ji Band 26 and the Evil Subjugating Mirror 27

To conquer the Heaven evils and discipline the Earth demons so they cannot hurt you.

Handling you the South-pointing Needle 28 and the Bright Bead, 29

Once seeing through thoroughly, you must rely on It to radiate the aureole brightly.

Lao-Mu I personally disseminate the Xian-tien Map; 30

In there is My divine presence and true appearance.

On the Eastern Earth, when you miss but cannot see Lao-Mu Me.

 Unfold the Xian-tien Map as if seeing Lao-Mu Me.

When you suffer calamities and disasters in the Eastern Earth eventually,

Sincerely worship the Map and inspirations will come naturally.

This is the letter of Three-yuan Fate; 31

Lock it with the spaceless lock 32 tightly and do not let air leak.

Wait until the Final Catastrophe Year when all evils and demons appear in the world,

Spreading qian and kun everywhere to aimlessly harm the Origin;

One by one they claim to be the genuine bodhisattvas, Buddhas or patriarchs,

At that time, the children cannot distinguish the genuine from the impersonators;

That is the time when the children are in dire danger;

Hurriedly open the letter of Three-yuan Fate and you will find out the reasons.

Later on when you give birth to your offsprings,

Remind them to do good deeds and study the True Sutra diligently;

Carry the six words 33 wherever you go for they are not trivial;

The mystic way hidden therein distinguishes fortunes from misfortunes.

Lao-Mu I have handed you the true treasures;

Sp, do not sob or wail anymore.”

While Lao-Mu I and children were talking at the Tri-Peaks,

We suddenly heard the Golden Bell ringing hastily.

Lao-Mu I ordered “children, hurry to the Eastern Earth;

Missing the timing of the order to the Eastern Earth, you can never attain Tao.”

Lao-Mu I rode on the halcyon clouds and departed;

Spurting the Dharma vapour and riding on the colourful clouds, Lao-Mu I returned to the Heaven Palace.

Lao-Mu I mourned deeply in My heart after returning to the Heaven Palace;

The children cried in desperation.

Out of their deep reluctance

They kneeled on the ground and could not stop tears from running down.

Having seen Lao-Mu Me return to Heaven,

“Children we are left lonely and helpless as orphans.

Like a swarm of bees without a queen, how could we be organized?

Without any choice, we must find a nest to be safe.”

All the children, without support,

Left for the Eastern Earth.


Lao-Mu I was tearful;

Letting go of My children, Lao-Mu I was filled with bitterness.

After parting in front of the Tri-Peaks,

Lao-Mu I returned to Western Heaven ever since.

Lao-Mu I missed but couldn’t see My children;

The children missed Lao-Mu Me but could only cry Heaven.

“To meet again, Lao-Mu I and children you

Must wait until the Final Catastrophe Year.

At that time, wait patiently for the letters from Home;

I will have the Hand Seal sent to the mortal world.

If you do not receive the Hand Seal,

You won’t be able to come Home at all.

If you fully comprehend the meaning of the letters from Home,

You will find that your Origin is in front of Xu-mi Mountain.34

Accumulate merits, cultivate virtues, and do good deeds;

Search for the Enlightened Teacher 35 to point you’re your Right Portal;

Point out your priceless treasure, 36

And in one step you transcend to the Heaven beyond Heavens.

At that time you will see Lao-Mu Me,

And play freely in the Kingdom of Bliss.

You will not be afraid of three catastrophes and eight disasters, 37

And be relaxed, carefree, and joyful eternally.

Do not lose your True Self at that time;

If you lose your True Self, you will fall into the deep abyss.”


 Lao-Mu I, in the clouds, headed for the Heaven Palace. Noticing that the children were wailing endlessly, Lao-Mu I couldn’t help feeling melancholy too. Also, Lao-Mu I was concerned that when the time to amass souls arrives, the children might lose their True Selves and forget to return Home. Lao-Mu I couldn’t help but turned My head around and reminded:


The children sobbed and sighed woefully in front of Tri-Peaks;

Lao-Mu I turned My head around and took a look.

“Children,” Lao-Mu I uttered,

“Listen to My sincere words.

Now I forseek and descend you to the Eastern Earth;

You will be attached to the mortal world for over sixty thousand years.

Alcohol, lust, wealth, and power will mask your True Selves;

Desires for fame and fortune will trap you in the bitter abyss.

Once you lose loyalty, filial devotion, integrity, and justice,

You will be reincarnated into camels, lions, or elephants.

Without following the Five Constants 38 and Eight Cardinal Virtues, 39

You can never transcend from the Four Ways and Six Paths. 40

Things will have great changes at that time;

The world with five filthy elements 41 will be terrorized by devils.

Three catastrophes and eight disasters will occur at the same time;

Lao-Mu I am afraid that My children may be ruined.

Lao-Mu I ordained you to the Eastern Earth;

But do not let your True Selves be masked and lost the Origin.

Ninety-two billion 42 royal children,

Together, all should reach the shore of Heavenly Kingdom and return to the Homeland.

Lao-Mu I pass down the Imperial Decree;

Various treasures emit bright colors.

Lao-Mu I bestow upon you a Wisdom Sword, 43

A Demon Subjugating Mirror, a Tai-ji Band,

A Yin-yang Mirror, 44 a Heaven-turning Seal, 45

An Immortal-binding Rope, 46 and an Immortal-whipping Whip. 47

Bestow upon you a Heaven-penetrating Hat, 48

And a pair of flying shoes for you to wear.

Lao-Mu I gave a banquet at the crossroad,

Serving pure and divine juices and wishing you farewell.

Keep My words firmly in your hearts;

They are of extraordinary importance.

Follow the Canons of Tao and practice earnestly;

Defying the divine order, you will be condemned to Hell.”

When children listened to these words,

Their hearts hesitated over and over.

Bearing thousand pounds of burden on the shoulder,

The children stepped down the cloud ladder descending to the mortal world,

Searching from door to door, moving from place to place,

Restlessly climbing the mountains and crossing the rivers.

Lao-Mu I yelled “children, My flesh,

Quickly accumulate merits anonymously; procrastinate no more.

The alluring world will not last for long;

When the time comes, the five devils will ruin the world and nothing can stop them.

You have to rid of human thoughts quickly;

Those who rid of wickedness and do good deeds are My good children.

All the evil deeds committed in the mortal world will be swept away;

Constellations and pivot will be moved, qian and kun be changed.

Hurriedly return; the shore is within reach;

Given but missed the chance, you will fall into the abyss of suffering.

Establish merits cultivate virtues, and do true good deeds;

Then and only then, you can be called one of the ninety-two billion children.

 Confucius once sighed and said that

‘I gradually and patiently lead one onto the right path and am fond of the virtuous.

I have yet to encountered a virtuous person;

However, I would be satisfied to see a tenacious one.’

The amassment of souls is truly extraordinarily rare;

It only happens once every one hundred twenty thousand years.

Three Heavens 49 confer together in the Heaven Palace;

The Sixteen-word Heart Sutra 50 spreads all over the world.

Those who receive Tien-Tao are like kites soaring in the sky and fish jumping out of water;

The water passes through the Three Barriers 51 and the water mill revolves 52 to heat the tripod and stove. 53

Metal and wood 54 interact; water and fire complement;

Lead and mercury 55 unite to coagulate into Jin-dan. 56

Yin spiritual image and yang spiritual image together brighten the Golden Court; 57

Leaving the Right Portal and entering the Dan-tian, 58 the Jin-dan is like a cluster.

The breathing is harmonized to cultivate the eternal fetus;

Mild heat nourishes it gradually and continuously.

The Holy Infant 59 appears after a thorough bath;

Disembodying the old self, the countenance of the Dharmakaya 60 is like a child.

It stands on the Lotus Seat without worry,

And freely roams over the Kun-lun Mountain and Pong-lai Island. 61

The sun and the moon cannot cast shadows on the Dharmakaya, which is mighty;

Not blocked by metal or rocks, it walks through at will,

Eating delicious conifer nuts when hungry,

Drinking dew-like sweet spring water when thirsty,

Watching tigers fight in front of the hill when in leisure,

Enjoying the birds singing behind the hill when feeling dull;

So casual and elegant without any mortal dust;

So appealing and colourful are the divine apparels and belts it wears;

It worries not the personnel changes in the mortal world;

It worries not the rise and the fall, or the good and the bad.

Heaven and Earth has an end while the Dharmakaya is immortal,

For it is an awakened Immortal surviving thousands and thousands of catastrophes.

If you truly comprehend the mystic meaning of these,

You won’t waste your journey to the Eastern Earth.

If you cannot find the way to return Home this time,

You must again wait for over one hundred and twenty thousand years.

The lost cannot comprehend this at all,

Attaching themselves overly to the mortal world and falling into the abyss.

In the beginning Lao-Mu I sent you to the mortal world,

Life was indeed miserable without five grains.

Now everything is complete;

Yet you are attached to wine and lust, and do not return Home.

You completely forget what Lao-Mu I have reminded for;

Pursuing after fame and fortune and conspiring bad deeds.

Conspiring or tricking will be useless at the end,

For how can you escape from the five devils when they descend?

Additionally there will be plagues and wars;

Droughts, floods, and famines are really tragic.

These tragic events will happen everywhere when the destiny matures;

The armies from five directions will fight at the borders.

When the violent wind blows, there will hardly be any escape;

Heaven descends Gang-feng which covers the clouds completely.

This will almost kill all the children,

Unless you have your names listed on the Heaven Roll, so you will be safe and worry free.

Now the time of the Third Period 62 arrives,

Hence, Lao-Mu I ferry My children Home;

So you will neither go to the Eastern Earth for tens of thousands of generations,

Nor withstand the bitter sufferings on the Eastern Earth.

Those who are predestined to encounter will meet even they are thousands miles apart;

Otherwise, they won’t recognize each other even when face to face.

If you are truly the ninety-two Yuan-fu-zi,

You will long to see Lao-Mu Me even if you die in grievance.

You are willing to endure all the testings and sufferings without any regret;

By doing so, you will be praised as a truly remarkable Nine-Two child.

Without pre-destiny, no matter how you talk to them,

They will satirize you as a joke.

They will praise Tao in front of you;

Yet criticize It as heresy behind your back.

Do not try to exhort this kind of person;

Even if they receive Tien-Tao, they will not advance.

They are not Yuan-fu-zi, thus are either not predestined or unable to participate,

Just like how could a brick be grounded into a mirror.

No matter how they conspire or trick,

Deities above record all the deeds.

Just wait until the day when Tien-Tao becomes evident,

In a boom of the thunder, they turn into ashes.

Today’s society is quite different from the ancient days;

The good are all dominated by the evil.

Lao-Mu I grieve deeply in My heart;

So Lao-Mu I send all deities to the mortal world.

Mi-Le Buddha oversees Tao,

All Buddhas and Patriarchs expound and propagate Tao.

First, Lao-Mu I flourish factions to pass on scriptures,

So all worship in temples to lock up the heart.

Subsequently, the true Tao is revealed to the world;

Everyone seeks the Enlightened Teacher 35 to point to the Right Portal.

Pointing to where you reflect your aureole on,

So you dispel yin and gather yang to refine Jin-dan.”

It had been a long while since I dispatched Mi-Le to the mortal world,

No message from Him has yet received.

Can it be the He longs for the mortal world and loses His True Self,

Or is attached deeply to the mortal world and does not know to return Home?

Upon departure, various words were spoken to caution Him;

He should have at least sent a message to Me.”

While Lao-Mu I was sighing in grief,

Suddenly, Mi-Le Buddha arrived in front of the Lotus Throne.

He knelt down on both knees and faced Lao-Mu Me;

Lao-Mu I spoke up and asked what had happened.


While Lao-Mu I was sighing, suddenly Mi-Le knelt down in front of Me and His teas would not stop. Lao-Mu I said “My son, get up from your knees and have a seat.” Mi-Le replied “Thank Lao-Mu been doing?” Lao-Mu I said “Never mind. I sent you to the Eastern Earth to ferry men and women and to lead all Buddhas and Patriarchs. Why have You gone for so long?” Mi-Le replied “Lao-Mu, please sit down and listen to Your son to tell You the reason.”


Lao-Mu I sat in the Lotus Throne;

Yet to open His mouth, Mi-Le Buddha was already weeping endlessly.

“It is not that I disobey the order and forget My Home;

Rather, all Buddhas and Patriarchs lost their True Selves and refused to return to the Heaven Palace.

Remember back then, they all received Lao-Mu Your Divine Decree;

Lao-Mu You sent them to follow Me to descend to different parts of the world.

Through mortal mothers, they descended to the mortal world.

They descended everywhere in seventy-two countries,63

And also to villages north and south throughout twenty-three provinces. 64

All over the world and qian and kun, they possessed magical power;

They lost their True Selves and displayed their talents;

Practicing heresies, luring men and women, and unwilling to return Home.

Death follows birth and birth follows death; their True Selves are lost;

Born as the son of the Chang or the daughter of the Lee, they reincarnate endlessly;

Entering into one portal and exiting from the other, they cannot settle down their hearts;

Attached to the mortal world and pursuing fame and fortune, they fall into a deep pit;

Urging and admonishing yield no result; it is really sad;

Earnest exhortations bring about condemnation and embarrassment;

They ridicule the Last Catastrophe as rumours;

They speak heresy, practice heterodoxy, and follow the teaching of Yang and Mo; 65

Longing for the material world, they commit many sins;

How can they return to Heaven without studying the scriptures of the three great religions?

I have clearly stated the facts from the beginning to the end one by one;

All Buddhas and Patriarchs lost their True Selves and cannot return Home.”

Lao-Mu I felt so shuddered and fearful by what was told,

“Nevertheless, Lao-Mu I want You to redescend to the Mortal world to ferry the children Home.”

Mi-Le Buddha felt hesitating and wandering about what He just heard;

Repeatedly He rejected and express that he would never go to the Eastern Earth.

“Mention not ferrying Yuan-fu-zi to the Heaven Palace,

Even Buddhas and Patriarchs would not believe, how could Yuan-fu-zi be ferried?

It is not because Your son I disobey the Heavenly Decree,

But because it’s almost impossible to ferry Yuan-fu-zi back to the Heaven Palace.

Each of them is arrogant, exaggerating, and emulative;

Slandering scriptures and disparages Dharma, who would respect Tao.”

Having no alternative, Lao-Mu I hastily walked down from My Lotus Throne,

Crouched, and uttered to Mi-Le Buddha “For My sake.”

Immediately Mi-Le Buddha knelt down in panic;

Shuddery and fearful, He helped Lao-Mu Me up by His hands.

He helped Lao-Mu Me to sit back into the Lotus Throne,

Hurriedly He kowtowed and begged Lao-Mu Me for forgiveness.

After thanking for forgiveness, He stood at the side;

He could not stop His grievous tears from running down and wetting His front chest.

Lao-Mu I reminded “Again descend to the mortal world to ferry the children;

You, and only You, can amass souls in the Eastern Earth.

Whatever slanders might arise, just let them breeze by like wind;

Use Your mercifulness to touch the children.”


Lao-Mu I repeatedly asked My son not to worry. “Lao-Mu I ordain You to oversee the amassment of souls in the Eastern Earth. Nine Two Yuan-fu-zi are deeply lost. If you use mercifulness to touch them, eventually there will be Yuan-fu-zi aboard the shore.”


Lao-Mu My tear was pouring endlessly in Soul Mountain;

“Mi-Le Buddha, listen to facts from the beginning.

Because the whole family have descended to the Eastern Earth,

And are allured by alcohol and lust and do not return Home.

Two of Your Brothers 66 have descended to the Eastern Earth;

They together ferried four billion Yuan-fu-zi Home to sit on the Lotus Seats.

This Last Catastrophe is going to be the ultimate,

Not like those small ones occurred previously.

Of all ninety-two billion Yuan-fu-zi,

He who misses this chance cannot return Home.”

As soon as the Third Buddha 67 heard Lao-Mu My words;

He was scared and became numb.

“The humans in the Eastern Earth are like wolves and tigers;

How could they be ferried Home?

Besides, the material world is so broad;

There are twenty-three provinces in China.

Mention not walking on foot,

Even by flying, it is almost impossible to reach everywhere.

I indeed have difficulties in accepting this Heavenly Mission;

Merciful Lao-Mu, please do not sent Me down.”

Hearing this, Lao-Mu I was so upset that My throat turned hoarse;

“Why you the third Buddha violate the Heavenly Order?

What kind of sin is it disobeying the Heavenly Decree?

You will destine to be buried underneath Yin-shan.” 68

In great haste, all Buddhas and Patriarchs in Soul Mountain,

All Bodhisattvas, irrespective male, female, elder, or young,

Together they knelt in front of Lao-Mu Me,

Begging for mercifulness to forgive Him.

Lao-Mu I spoke in the Ling-xiao Court,

“Everyone listen to and await the order.

You, all the Immortals, together descend to the mortal world;

Rid of weeds and cultivate the virgin land 69 to help Him.

Not a single Buddha is left behind in the West;

Not a single Bodhisattva remains in the Heaven Palace.

Just wait for the time of amassing souls when He arrives,

The whole world will be turned into a Lotus Land.

Those who forsake living and life will be rewarded;

Top grade Golden Lotus needs not be mentioned.

It is distressful to send children to the mortal world,

Coming and going, rotating among mortal families.

Just wait until the triumphant day,

Put on colourful garment and wear golden flower hairpin.

A few words before you leave,

Everyone listen to and await the order.

Hurriedly set a goal as grand as Heaven;

Those who are timid and without will cannot return Home.

The earlier you sow and plant, the larger the fruit you will harvest;

If you procrastinate and slow in planting, the blossom will not bear fruit.

If you want to be a leader, you must be lenient.

Be very flexible and do not brag.

To coordinate the virtuous and guide the mass, you must have great wisdom.

To Climb mountains and cross rivers, you must labor hard.

However, when you accumulate enough merits and accomplish enough good deeds,

You will be born again and attain Lotus Seats.

Your peerage is commensurate with your merits and virtues;

Who dares to take away your top grade Golden Lotus.

Still have one more advise for you to keep in your heart;

Guard carefully when snakes mingle with dragon. 70

When recluses from mountains appear,

Ghosts busily crawl with arms and legs,

Mountain demons and sea monster become ambitious,

And all things become spirits to degrade Tao,

You must not lose your hearts and True Selves,

Constantly striving for betterment, your rewards will blossom blissfully.

When devils and demons intrude the arena of Tao,

Lao-Mu I will descend Imperial Wind 71 to expel them.

My children, you must guard tightly;

Let them incite and bewitch.

Those whose foundation is weak and fortune shallow

Will be perplexed.

Some lack cohesion in thought and sense of direction;

Some incur unnecessary trouble and build up animosity;

Some have the great shortcomings of arrogance and stubbornness;

Some use cunningness, greediness, and deceitfulness to harm Tao;

Some cannot part from love and affection;

Some are afraid of being dragged into trouble.

They all criticize and slander Tao;

Even Yuan-fu-zi ruin the arena of Tao.

These people are destined to be punished by Heaven;

Yet they too dream to become Bodhisattvas.

Although Lao-Mu I descend the Royal Wind,

Lao-Mu I cry in the sky till My eyes are blurred.

Wait until the final Judgement comes,

The good and the evil will be clear and they will be rewarded and punished accordingly.

Lao-Mu I descend Three Catastrophes together;

The five devils retrieve the evil.

Five Hundred Deities of Thunder appear in air,

Lao-Mu My golden whip inspects day and night.

Only when Tao is triumphant and devils ridded will there be miracles;

They will know then that to do evil only hurt themselves.

Lao-Mu I then congratulate My children;

You now become living Bodhisattvas.

Never again do you descend to the Eastern Earth;

All return to the Kingdom of Bliss and laugh in happiness.”


Mi-Le Buddha said “How am I worthy of these? However, even Buddhas and Patriarchs are lost, much less Yuan-fu-zi. They are truly hard to get through.” Lao-Mu I said “I have an ingenious plan.” Lao-Mu I then bit My middle finger. With blood staining all over, Lao-Mu I sadly wrote the following letter. That was truly a sad scene.


Lao-Mu I write the letter in blood with sadness and grief;

Every word and every line state clearly.

The Imperial Robe and every part of My clothes are bathed in blood;

Lao-Mu I cry with each word I write for I cannot see My lovely children.

As Lao-Mu I write the letter in blood, I nod and appeal,

Appealing to all Buddhas and Patriarchs and thanking for the grace of helping.

If you have the chance to see this letter, hurry to change your character;

Change your temper and be humble so Lao-Mu I Band you can meet.

Do not be arrogant, obstinate, or rely on intelligence;

Rid of love and affection, sever entanglement, and practice to awaken to the mystic soul.

To exhaust the Truth embedded in the three great religions is the guide;

Seek the Enlightened Teacher to point to I-Kuan and point out the wordless Sutra.

Go upward to the Ni-wan Palace 72 at the top of the Kun-lun Mountain;

At the Crossroad between the Twin Groove Tree, pause for a moment;

Go downward to the Hai-quan Point 73 to establish a new life;

Pause for a while, so kun becomes full to rid of contaminants and retain the pure.

Lao-Mu I am so worried for you that day and night My heart cannot rest;

Lao-Mu I appeal to My five hundred enlightened sons descended to the Eastern Earth,

Appeal to My five hundred enlightened daughters descended to the Eastern Earth,

Appeal t your sister descended to the Eastern Earth,

Appeal to the first descended children from Soul Mountain,

Appeal to the Forty-Eight Vows 74 in the mortal world,

Appeal to thousands and thousands of patriarchs and deities in the mortal world,

Appeal to the ninety-two billion in the mortal world,

Appeal to the adolescents who know My messages.

Remember in the beginning, there was no human in the Eastern Earth;

Thus Lao-Mu I forsook My children to be the root of human till now.

Till now, Lao-Mu I count with My fingers, over sixty thousand yeas have passed;

Lao-Mu My children are suffering, how can I rest or do not commiserate.

At that time Lao-Mu I sent My children to govern the Eastern Earth;

Now that the three catastrophes are to harm Lao-Mu My children;

Have no alternative but to dispatch all Buddhas;

Mi-Le Buddha, leading all Buddhas, oversees the amassment of souls.

For all the living, Lao-Mu I exhaust my efforts;

And now Lao-Mu I am all alone.

Do not see your sisters in the Golden Palace;

Do not see the daughters in the Golden Palace;

Do not see the Da-bei Lao-Mu in the Luan-chang Palace;

Do not see the Savior Guan-yin in the Purple Bamboo Grove;

Do not see Di-gong Lao Mu in the Jin-mei Palace;

Do not see Wen-Shu and Pu-Xian 75 in front of Lao-Mu Me.

Only because at the banquet held in Yue-yang Tower,

For the sake of descending humans, the children drank the blood wine and their True Selves became lost.

Upon the departure, Lao-Mu I gave you a Hand Seal;

Seek the Enlightened Teacher to point to your Right Portal; then and only then you can return Home.

At leisure, close those doors 76 tightly;

Embracing the Hand Seal, you can pass the three Barriers.

Lao-Mu I repeatedly instruct and exhort My good children;

Rid of love and affection, sever the entanglement and you will see Lao-Mu Me.

Lao-Mu I miss the children, wishing to see you at once.

Lao-Mu I miss the children, being restless as if My heart is stabbed by a knife;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, weeping several times a day;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, dropping tears all the time;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the Dharma wheel stop turning;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the sweet dew is not longer sweet;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the six doors cannot close;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the Immortal fetus cannot mature;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the Three Families 77 are separated;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the Five Qi 78 cannot face the Origin;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the Dan-tian is not warm;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the water and fire cannot complement;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the pure and the turbid cannot be distinguished;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the qian and kun do not revolve;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the soul becomes muddle and the Qi becomes scattered;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till the Three Barriers cannot be passed;

Lao-Mu I miss the children, crying till My heart breaks.

Even crying until My heart is broken, still Lao-Mu I do not see My children return;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, follow the Three Followings 79 strictly;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, carry out the Five Disciplines 80 completely;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, do not slander Sages and Saints;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, do not disseminate heresies;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, rid of rambling thoughts;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, hurriedly repent the sins;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, cease all worldly desires;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, do not smoke or consume alcohol;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, do not be afraid of hardship;

If you have any love for Lao-Mu Me, return to the Western Heaven.


Poem reads:

If one still reminisces the love for Lao-Mu Me,

He will hurriedly learn Zen meditation to return to the Pure Land;

If one does not reminisce the love for Lao-Mu Me,

He will be attached to alcohol and images, hence sink in the mortal world.



Lao-Mu I compose this letter in blood; how pitiful this is ;

Only for the sake of My lovely children, tear drops never dry.

Follow the Three Followings, uphold the Five Disciplines, then you will never again descend to the mortal world.

Lao-Mu I write this letter in blood and My blood stains the Imperial Robe;

Mi-Le Buddha and all Immortals weep in grief and are shocked.

If the children cannot be waken up, why should it bother Lao-Mu Me?

But Lao-Mu I am afraid that the three catastrophes will harm My children;

Afraid that all the lands you have will be lost;

Afraid that all the mansions you have cannot be lived in;

Afraid that with all the wealth, you cannot buy your lives;

Afraid that all the fancy clothes you have cannot be worn;

Afraid that all the properties you have cannot be enjoyed;

Afraid that all the farm you have cannot be planted;

Afraid that all the affections and love cannot last long;

Afraid that all good descendants you have will be separated;

Afraid that hundreds of miles of roads will not be traveled by anyone;

Afraid that a city will not have any sign of life;

Afraid that so many heads will roll like melons;

Afraid that corpse will pile up as high as mountains.

Everywhere the five devils create chaos;

You cannot be together with your wives and children;

You cannot touch any of your gold or silver;

You cannot manage your land or farm.

Lao-Mu I cannot describe with words the chaos created by the five devils;

Additionally there will be demons, monsters, and spirits to harm the virtuous.

Demons, monsters, and spirits from mountains and waters all appear;

Enticing men and women to follow them by promising immortality.

At that time Yuan-fu-zi  are in peril;

Who can resist their words and not follow them to become Immortals?

If you follow them, at night they will transform,

Revealing their true horrifying identities to swallow you whole.

Also, there will be hypocrites creating disorder in the arena of Tao;

They talk about Tao, Gong-fu, 81 and the circulation of the Eight Trigrams;

They disguise as practitioners of Tao as if they will become Immortals or Buddhas;

Yet none knows that their fake mercifulness and love harm people deeply;

If you follow them, you will violate all the Followings and Disciplines.

Still, some will say that to become husbands and wives is wrong;

Men and women, do not aboard their evil ship;

If you board their ship, you cannot recover even after tens of thousands of miseries.

No one ponders about what the ancient Saints said:

Without human emotions and desires, the Truth manifests.

Eventually all demons and monsters will become apparent;

Lao-Mu I am afraid that they will harm My Yuan-fu-zi.

Lao-Mu I especially remind that you practitioners must distinguish the true from the false;

The false mothers and the false Guan-yin will display their magical powers.

The false Mi-Le will mimic the amassment of souls to harm My children;

The false Wood Dragon 82 and the false patriarch will say they steer the ship of amassing soul;

They will set their own Five Elders, Ten Regions, Leaders, Guardians, Nominators, and Inspectors; 83

They give false Tien-Ming 84 and false mission, and establish false rules to satisfy their greed.

This is what is called “Using the false to test and see who is truly practicing.”

If you follow them, Lao-Mu My heart cannot rest.

As long as you do not follow them, they cannot harm you;

If you follow them, you will lose your aureole and suffer tens of thousands of miseries.

Lao-Mu I urge all leaders to discern the Truth clearly;

Think thoroughly, discern clearly, and see no evil.

Irrespective how beautiful the Lotus Land they describe,

Close the Six Doors tightly and concentrate on the Right Portal constantly.

Furthermore, there will be droughts and floods which will bring about hunger and coldness;

Speaking of this, Lao-Mu I cannot help but weep.

The five grains will disappear on Earth and people will rebel;

Even if you have extra grains, you still cannot consume them at will.

Relatives or friends fight each other over your food;

Additionally, other people also battle to get to your food first.

Wheat and rice sell for three Liang 85 and five Chuan; 86

Coarse grains also worth a few ounces of silver;

Coarse cotton fabric costs hundred plus change copper coins per foot;

The price of cotton also increases by about one Chuan of coin.

Children are starved to a point where their mind become muddily and their energy dissipated;

Useless peoples are killed and eaten by others.

In plains the bark of trees are consumed completely;

In mountains there are fruits to help get through the famine.

Even though those staying in mountains can survive the hunger and coldness,

There still are tigers and wolves attacking the children.

If they see a wicked person, they will swallow him whole;

If they see a good Samaritan, they will leave him alone.

Lao-Mu I exhort men and women to hurriedly accumulate merits;

Only by having great merits and virtues can one by safe.

Even though the five grains become extinct and people cry in distress successively,

By consuming the essence of the Sun and the Moon, you suffer not from hunger and cold.

Moreover, the infectious plagues spread everywhere;

Exhort men and women hurriedly to seek the Enlightened Teacher to board the merciful ferry.

All these calamities and hardships are not unusual;

The ensuing Water, Fire, and Wind are much more difficult to survive.

Each and every province under the sky submerge under water;

Even living in mountains, one still needs to row a boat.

After the flood recedes, suddenly, the fire begins;

Each and every tree on Earth is burned to ashes.

The Fire burns Heaven and Earth; the Fire burns qian and kun;

High above in mountains, the Fire burns down everything.

Mother of souls in the E-mei Mountain reveals Her might;

Dust and fume fill the air as the ferocious Wind blows.

Blowing till the streams, rivers, and oceans have soil build up a high as mountains,

Blowing so fiercely that spirits and ghosts cry and Heaven and Earth are restless.

At that time, it is difficult to escape the tragedy even if one so desires;

At that time, one wants to see Lao-Mu Me, but there is not ferry;

At that time, one wants to be a vegetarian, but it can no longer be done at will;

At that time, one wants to practice Tao, but Tien-Tao can no longer be found;

At that time, one wants to worship Buddhas, but there is no Altar;

At that time, one wants to accumulate merits, but money us useless.

Thousands and thousands of regrets, but it is too late;

Should not have slandered the teachings of Buddhas and ignored the admonishments of Saints;

Should not have resented vegetarianism and not listened to others’ advice;

Should not have ignored the divine books;

Should not have been attached to love and affections and entangled in emotions;

Should not have drunk alcohol and eaten meat;

Should not have made counterfeit goods to cheat others;

Should not have used the divine spirits as a vehicle to take money from others;

Should not have sought after fame and fortune by making friends with the influential;

Should not have slaughtered lives and become indebted.

Even if you have Jin-gang body, you still yell and scream in distress;

Heaven does not respond and Earth is speechless; you will fall into the deep pond.

Hurry to practice Tao while you still possess the human body;

Do not wait until the catastrophe arrives, then cry in agony.

The mortal world is a sea of suffering; do not attach yourselves to it;

Seek the Enlightened Teacher to point you the way so you will not suffer.

Do not say that Lao-Mu I do not exist;

Haven’t you thought about who bestows you with True Self and Life?

The truthful words from the beginning to the end are all written here;

If you still have any love for Lao-Mu Me, hurry to ponder what is in this letter.

The tears have not stopped from running even upon the completion of this letter;

Children, when seeing this letter in blood, do not take it lightly.

Lao-Mu I worry so much for the children as if my heart is shattered;

Writing this letter, Lao-Mu My tears run dry.


After finishing the writing of this letter,

Teardrops roll down profusely;

Hand over to Mi-Le Buddha with both hands;

“You are in charge of the great mission of amassing souls.

Gather all the remaining souls in three Long-hua Assemblies, 87

Then and only then will Lao-Mu I call for Your return.”


Lao-Mu I hand down the letter in blood to Mi-Le Buddha, nod, and appeal;

Lao-Mu I will remember in My heart the toil You will suffer in the mortal world.

If the children offend You, be lenient;

For the sake of Lao-Mu My longing for the children, do not get angry in Your heart.

Writing this letter, Lao-Mu I entrust My children to Your care;

It is indeed a pity that all the children are lost in the sea of suffering.

Breaking all hindrances and ridding all evils, Patriarch You must lead;

Annihilating demons and devils, eradicating evil ghosts, You must lift calamities for the children.

At that time Lao-Mu I will help You with the Tao of the Five Elements, 88

At that time Lao-Mu I will help You with all the Heaven armies;

At that time Lao-Mu I will help You with divine fruits and divine vegetable;

At that time Lao-Mu I will help You with one-hundred thousand treasures;

At that time Lao-Mu I will help You with one-hundred thousand treasures;

So, in the mortal world, everyone You point to will succeed.

First, transmit the ancient Hand Seal to be held in front of the chest;

Hold ten fingers tightly, and do not let air leak.

Then point to the Right Portal, the path of returning Home;

Metal and wood interact, water and fire complement, and the True Sutra turns internally.

First, children, by receiving and practice Tao, Three Flowers gather on the top;

Second, children, by receiving and practice Tao, the Five Qi faces the Origin;

Third, children, by receiving and practice Tao, the embryo leaves the cave;

Fourth, children, by receiving and practice Tao, the True Water flows;

Fifth, children, by receiving and practice Tao, yin leave and yang enter;

Sixth, children, by receiving and practice Tao, the first ray of aureole breaks out;

Seventh, children, by receiving and practice Tao, the Three Barriers are passed;

Eighth, children, by receiving and practice Tao, the water mill turns constantly;

Tenth, children, by receiving and practice Tao, in the tenth month the infant is born.”

At the first Night Watch 89, a banquet is held in the An-yang Palace;

At the second Night Watch, the Bodhi Wine 90 is placed on the table;

Lao-Mu I, at the third Night Watch, drink wine with the Patriarch and the rest;

Lao-Mu I, at the fourth Night Watch, bid farewell to the Patriarch;

Lao-Mu I, at the fifth Night Watch, see the Patriarch off;

One step accompanied by one sobbing, for when shall We meet again?

After leaving the An-yang Palace, Mi-Le Buddha weeps aloud mournfully;

So too do all Bodhisattvas weep with tears pouring.

Instantly, all Bodhisattvas are separated from Lao-Mu Me, by a tens of thousands of feet ridge,

Leaving Lao-Mu Me, and We cannot meet.

Lao-Mu I return to the Heaven Palace, Patriarch Mi-Le Buddha descend to the mortal world, and The Letter from Home is completed;

Because Lao-Mu I worry for the remaining Yuan-fu-zi, My heart cannot rest.


After the completion, The Letter from Home is sent to the Soul Mountain,

Incense burns in the Soul Mountain Temple. 91

This letter from Home is unbearable to read,

For reading it, one becomes heartbroken.

The whole family descends to the Easter Earth,

But no one ponders what is this letter after it is descended to the Easter Earth.

If one can comprehend this letter from Home,

He will return to the An-yang Palace for the grand reunion.

If you cannot comprehend this letter from Home,

It will be extremely difficult for you to return Home.

If you do not return Home this time,

You will not have another chance once you lose your human body.




1.          Three Powers are Heaven, Earth and man.

2.          Four Images are the young yang, the old yang, the young yin, and the old yin.

3.          Eight Trigrams represent the cultivation of Heaven, Earth, mankind, substances, and beings. Eight Trigrams also represent the eight directions that the yin and yang permeates. The eight directions are east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest.

4.          Guan-yin refers to Lao-Mu’s daughters.

5.          The Homeland is the Home of souls. It is also referred as Heaven Palace, An-yang Palace, Li-tien, Heaven of Truth, Immortal Home, Heavenly Kingdom, Golden Palace, Western Heaven, Kingdom of Bliss, Ling-xiao Court, Pure Land, etc.

6.          The Five Elements are metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

7.          Lao-Mu is the Mother of our True Selves. Her full title is “The Infinitely bright God, Who is absolutely pure and void, is the utmost supreme and divine, reigns the Three Domains and Ten Directions, and is the Lord of all souls.” The Three Domains are the Domain of Desires, Domain of Images, and the Domain of Non-images. Other names for Lao-Mu includes Huang-Mu, Lord of Wu-ji, Lao-Wu-Sheng, God, etc. Throughout this book, all references to Lao-Mu are printed in bold to express our reverence to God.

8.          The days that mark the beginning of the Eight Solar Periods are beginning of spring, vernal equinox, beginning of summer, summer solstice, beginning of autumn, autumn equinox, beginning of winter, and winter solstice.

9.          Shan-yuan here refers to spring; Zhong-yuan, summer; and Xia-yuan, autumn.

10.      Luo-ham refers to Lao-Mu’s sons.

11.      Eastern Earth refers to the planet Earth.

12.      Tri-Peaks is where God and humans first separated. Tri-Peaks refers to the point of separation of the Three Domains-the Domain of Desires, the Domain of Images, and the Domain of Non-images. A human must transcend the Three domains in order to see God.

13.      Yuan-fu-zi are the True Selves or the original Buddha children.

Yuan-fu-zi sometimes is referred as Yuan-zi.

14.      The Grand Immortal Pool implies that the incarnation of a soul is like falling into the sea of suffering.

15.      By wearing flying shoes and divine apparels one can ride the clouds and be immune to freeze or heat. This is another way of describing the carefreeness in Heaven.

16.      Qi is spirit. Shadowless Qi is Xian-tien spirit.

17.      Shen-lang is a title of an office in Heaven.

18.      Yuan-qi refers to the spiritual energy.

19.      Qian is a trigram used to represent male, the Sun, Heaven, or the True Self. Kun is a trigram used to represent female, the Moon, Earth, or Life.

20.      The Three Buddhas are Patriarch Jin-Gong, Tien-Ran Gu-Fu, and Hui –Min Pu-Sa. They will meet at the Long-hua Assembly.

21.      Five grains are rice, wheat, corn, legume, and sorghum.

22.      The Final Catastrophe Year is when the Last Catastrophe of the Third Period occurs. Souls are amassed in three Yang Periods – the Green Yang Period, the Red Yang Period, and the White Yang Period. The Third Period is the White Yang period. The Last Catastrophe is the Gang-feng Catastrophe, which is like the explosion of nuclear bombs.

23.      Dragon and phoenix imply the interaction between yin and yang.

24.      Eight Treasures are filial devotion, sibling love, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, justice, integrity and knowing shame. They are also known as the Eight Cardinal Virtues.

25.      Seven Star Sword implies the True Self, life, Hun, Po, vitality, spirit and soul.

26.      Tai-ji Band is yin and yang.

27.      Evil Subjugating Mirror refers to the brightness of the aureole. As long as it is pure, it will not be masked by the seven emotions and six desires.

28.      South-pointing Needle refers to the Right Portal.

29.      Bright Bead refers to the True Self.

30.      Xian-tien Map is the Xian-tien He-tu, which is a sign showing the mutual stimulations of the Five Elements. Fu-xi discovered and arranged the Xian-tien Order of the Eight Trigrams based on the Xian-tien He-tu.

31.      Three-yuan Fate refers to the time when the Last Catastrophe of the Third Period arrives.

32.      The spaceless lock is the Right Portal.

33.      “Sic words” implies the Heart Sutra in the past.

34.      Xu-mi Mountain is where the Bodhi is and the origin of souls. It is also called Kun-lun Mountain or Sour Mountain. Everyone has a Soul Mountain within his heart.

35.      The Enlightened Teacher refers Ji-Gong Buddha and Yue-Hui Pu-Sa. To transmit Tien-Tao to others as ordained by God, they incarnated as Patriarchs Zhang Tien-Ran (Shi-Zun or the Reverent Teacher) and Sun-Hui-Ming (Shi-Mu or the Mother Teacher), who were conferred the titles of Tien-Ran Gu-Fu and Hui-Ming Pu-Sa by God after returning to Heaven.

36.      Priceless treasure refers to the True Self.

37.      The Three Catastrophes are the Water, the Fire, and the Wind. The Eight Disasters are famines, plagues, insects, beasts, droughts, floods, monsters, and demons.

38.      Five Constants are benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and faith.

39.      Eight Cardinal Virtues are filial devotion, sibling love, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, justice, integrity, and knowing shame.

40.      The Four Ways refers to the four ways of birth: born from a womb, born from a hard shelled egg, from in water, and born as insects. The Six Paths refers to the six paths of reincarnation: deity, human, asura, Hell, preta, and animals.

41.      The world with five filthy elements refers to the mortal world. The five filthy elements refer to drinking, being lustful, greed, anger, and smoking. These are Buddhist terms.

42.      “Ninety-two billion” refers to the remaining souls on Earth. It is also referred to as a Nine Two.”

43.      Wisdom Sword refers to the Seven Star Sword.

44.      Yin-yang Mirror refers to the yin spiritual image and the yang spiritual image.

45.      Heaven-turning Seal is the Hand Seal.

46.      Immortal-binding rope is the orders of human relations which must be abided by.

47.      Immortal-whipping Whip means the punishments to those who violate the orders of human relations.

48.      Heaven-penetrating Hat implies the way to Heaven after men descended to the mortal world.

49.      The Three Heavens are Li-tien (Heaven of Truth), Qi-tien (Heaven of Spirit), and Xiang-tien (Heaven of Matter).

50.      “The Sixteen-word  Heart Sutra” refers to the essence passed on from Emperor Yao to Emperor Sun-The Human Nature is precarious; the True Nature is obscure; be refined and be one; be amenable and uphold the center.

51.      Three Barriers refer t three points in the human body that block the flow of Qi.

52.      When the water mill revolves, the Qi flows inside the body without hindrance, and eventually, the Immortal embryo will be formed.

53.      Tripod implies True Self. Stove implies Life. To heat the tripod and stove means to nurture and refine the True Self and Life.

54.      Metal implies Po and wood implies Hun.

55.      Lead and mercury imply True yin and True yang.

56.      Jin-dan refers to Immortal embryo.

57.      Golden Court implies the Right Portal.

58.      Dan-tian is the essence of Life in the human body.

59.      Holy Infant is the reborn soul.

60.      Dharmakaya is Sanskrit, which means the pure spiritual image of the True Self upon enlightenment.

61.      Kun-lun Mountain and Pong-lai Island here refer to where the Immortals live.

62.      Souls are amassed in Three Yang Periods-the Green Yang Period, the Red Yang Period, and the White Yang Period.

63.      Seventy-two countries refer to the whole world.

64.      Twenty-three provinces refer to China.

65.      Yang refers to Yang Chu and Mo refers to Mo Di. Both were philosophers during the period of Warring States in the Chinese history.

66.      The Two Brothers are Ran-deng Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha.

67.      The Third Buddha is Mi-Li Buddha.

68.      Yin-shan is beneath Hell. Souls casted there will not be able to leave until the next Cycle of Heaven and Earth.

69.      Virgin land refers to places where Tien-Tao is yet to be spread.

70.      Snakes refer to the wicked. Dragon refers to true practitioners.

71.      Imperial wind refers to the laws of Heaven.

72.      Ni-wan Palace is the portal at the vertex of the head.

73.      Hai-quan Point implies Dan-tian.

74.      Forty-Eight Vows refer to the forty-eight merciful vows took by Mi-le Buddha.

75.      Wen-Shu and Pu-Xian are two Bodhisattvas who were once Buddhas. These titles were ordained to them three thousand years ago during Sakyamui Buddha’s time.

76.      Doors refer to the Six Doors – eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

77.      Three Families are the vitality, spirit (Qi), and soul.

78.      The Five Qi are the Qi associated wit the five internal organs and the five fundamental elements-heart (fire), liver (wood), spleen (earth), lung (metal), and kidney (water).

79.      The Three Followings of Buddhism are to follow the Buddha, to follow the Dharma, and to follow the Sangha.

80.      The Five Disciplines are not to kill, not to steal, not to be lustful, not to fancy, and not to drink.

81.      Gong-fu is the practice of restoring the True Self.

82.      The false Wood Dragon is one of the fake patriarchs.

83.      Five Elders, Ten Regions, Leaders, Guardians, Nominators, and Inspectors are titles of the administrators in Tien-Tao at that time.

84.      Tien-Ming means the Divine Mission from God to convey Tien-Tao.

85.      Liang is the ancient measurement of weight for gold and silver.

86.      Chuan is an ancient monetary unit.

87.      Long-hua Assembly is where the Three Buddhas will select and confer peerage in Heaven to practitioners of Tao.

88.      The Tao of the Five Elements refers to the Gong-fu of Tien-Tao.

89.      The first Night Watch is from seven p.m. to nine p.m.; the second from nine p.m. to eleven p.m.; the third, from eleven p.m. to one a.m.; the fourth, from one a.m. to three a.m.; and the fifth, from three a.m. to five a.m.

90.      Bodhi Wine is the spiritual energy bestowed by God to our True Selves.

91.      Soul Mountain Temple is the Right Portal.